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A Joyful Mother

Two years ago, I wanted nothing else than to be a mommy. I remember, at some point on my journey to motherhood, laying on the floor of our “nursery” crying and asking God for a baby. I understood all too well what Hannah was going through when the Bible talks about her weeping in anguish and pouring her soul out to the Lord (I Samuel 1:10 and verse 15).

As I was reading my Bible this morning, my baby girl, my child of promise, wanted to join in. She loves the Word of God and loves to be near me while I read the Bible aloud to her. Today, as she started grabbing at the pages, I saw Psalm 113:9 underlined.

“He grants the barren woman a home, like a joyful mother of children.”

I teared up as I remembered all the tears I cried, prayers I prayed, scripture I spoke, and how God was faithful through it all.

If you are believing for a baby, know that God wants to give you the desires of your heart. Every woman who asked God for a baby in the Bible had at least one baby. Speak the truth of God’s Word over your body. Pour your heart out to the Lord because He listens. He is good. He is faithful. Keep speaking His truth and watch the victory unfold. Keep praying. Keep believing, and don’t give up.


24 Weeks Pregnant

I am 24 weeks pregnant today! WOOHOO!! There are not enough words to describe how blessed I am. I have longed to be a mommy ever since I can remember. I got my very first baby doll when I was a mere 6 months old for my first Christmas. From the video and photos I’ve seen… I never put that doll down unless it was time for a diaper change.

God has been so faithful through this journey. I am so thankful I did not give up on this dream. It took longer than I expected and the road wasn’t always a smooth one, but I am blessed. I’m not saying I’ve had it worse than most women. I know so many women who have had a much more difficult journey to motherhood than I’ve had. We all have our own journey and obstacles to get through.

I remember last Mother’s Day (2016), I spent the day crying because I still did not have my baby. This Mother’s Day, I cried but for different reasons. I cried because I have seen the faithfulness of God. I woke up to the feeling of my baby moving inside my womb. It’s a feeling that I cannot describe. It’s beautiful. With every little kick and jab, I am reminded of the goodness of God. Not a day goes by that I do not thank God for this child of promise!

Baby is:
the size of a ear of corn
about 11.8 inches long
about 1.3 pounds
VERY active 🙂