Life · Spiritual Things

Nothing Is Impossible With God

“Lord, why does this seem so impossible?” These were the words I found myself asking God in my quiet time. There are things that just seem impossible. And maybe they are. Maybe in this world and in the natural things are impossible. There’s a limit to what can and cannot be done.

“Nothing’s impossible for Me.” , answered the Lord in a gentle voice. I was reminded that I serve a God who knows no bounds. He is limitless. He is not tied to the natural realm. I serve a God who can do anything. A supernatural God who creates universes with just His words. Isn’t it marvelous to just think about? When you look around and see what the words of God can create, it’s breathtaking. This is probably why God told Abraham to look up at the stars and try to count them… to remind Abraham who He was and what He can do.


God is so patient with us. He is not in a hurry. He doesn’t mind meeting us where we’re at. He is loving towards us and wants only the best for us. There may be waiting involved, but the promise is so much greater than the wait. The waiting is just our preparation time. It’s true what they say… preparation time is never wasted time. I’m learning to take this preparation time and just enjoy it. This is all part of the journey.

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” – Matthew 6:27 (ESV)

I can worry and fuss all I want, but it hasn’t changed anything yet! All of my fears, anxiety, and stress won’t do anything but make the waiting that much harder. When I just lean back and enjoy God… that’s when things feel different. True, the situation doesn’t change, but our perspective sure does. When I’m just thankful and rejoicing in the Lord is when the waiting doesn’t hurt. And it’s easier to trust God, let go, and let Him.

Next time you start to think your situation is hopeless and impossible, look up! Look up at the stars and be reminded of who your God is. Look up and remember that you serve a God who can do all things, and nothing is too hard for Him.

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